WINGS steering committee invites you all to a seminar the 11th of February
A brief report from two international gender equality conferences
We will in this seminar report on research results and policy measures presented at the conferences Gender Equality in Higher Education – 10th European conference and STEMM Equality Congress. Those conferences were held during the autumn of 2018 and we who participated will now present some of the highlights.
This year’s already planned activities organized by WINGS (and collaborators) will also be discussed and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on other potential activities.
If you want to receive a sandwich please sign up before the 5th of February The sandwich is subject to fringe benefit tax (förmånsbeskattning in Swedish) and you can declare the tax yourself in Primula.
When: 12:00-13:00 on Monday the 11th of February
Where: At Geocentrum 2 (entrance up the steps opposite to Gerdahallen), room Baltica.
More info? Email us on wings [at] wings [dot] lu [dot] se (wings[at]wings[dot]lu[dot]se)