Would you like to know how your company, your organization or research group can get help to work internationally?
September 10-11, Medicon Village is organizing an open event with the main objective to support our members and other life science players to act globally, and show opportunities such as matchmaking and financing.
During day 1, September 10, different stakeholders present what they can offer in a process of internationalization. Meet for example Enterprise Europe Network, Medicon Valley Alliance, Business Sweden, Vinnova (Horizon2020 and Eureka), German Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Embassy, Medicon Village Canada twin Sherbrooke Innopole, and Belgium twin LifeTechLimburg. There will also be time for networking with the speakers and the other participants at an exhibition at a dinner.
During day 2, you will have the possibility to meet the stakeholders at 1-1 meetings. This is a great opportunity if you would like to do a post doc abroad or initiate international collaborations.